The manner in which you communicate can transcend gaps and torch bridges. Interpersonal communication is an integral facet of corporate life; it is the difference between lost contacts and signed contracts, and effective communication in every level of your operation should be your first-step to ensuring quarters in the black. Whether it’s timely client follow-up calls or confirming that your supervisor actually received your time-off request, communication is the oiled cog that keeps the wheels of business turning.
I consider myself a ‘swing-man’ of sorts in our office. I’m always open to assisting any of my coworkers in pressing tasks, and this requires a high-level of communication to guarantee the workload is taken care of efficiently and effectively. Collaborative efforts are a frequent occurrence here at PR/PR, whether it’s crafting a pitch or formulating a marketing strategy for one of our clients. This demands advanced knowledge and familiarity of everyone’s responsibilities and their respective client’s platforms, as well as clear channels of communication to keep performance at its peak.
Any communicatory lapse, especially those you may deem ‘rudimentary,’ can lead to the proverbial wheels falling off. Nothing spells incompetence like rushing out the door on Friday afternoon before responding to a time-sensitive email or returning a phone call. Errors of this nature can create a snowball effect, leaving an avalanche of clean-up required on Monday. Limit them and you’ll notice an increase in productivity, as well as a tangible decrease in company-wide Advil consumption!
Keeping a tight lead on your business begins with indoctrinating everyone involved with the mind-set that effective communication is king. When questions or issues arise, do not go it alone: convey your concerns to those around you, and create a forum for collaborative solutions. The corporate machine only runs as smooth as its operators’ allow, and communication keeps the joints and pistons greased so breakdowns are few and far between.
-Carter Breazeale
PR/PR Public Relations