Monday, October 8, 2012

Op-Ed Tips!

There’s a little less than one-month until Election Day. We’ve been inundated with talking points and political rhetoric from both sides, and I feel it’s a fair assumption that many Americans are ready to cast their ballot and be done with it. Politics can wreck a dinner or make for awkward water cooler conversation, as we all have strong opinions which may not mesh with the ideals of our families or coworkers. Political discussion is best reserved for an opposite-editorial, and you’re in luck, because today we will outline the three paramount points to crafting an exceptional Op-Ed.

Make a firm point and provide supportive evidence

There’s nothing more frustrating than a fence-walker. When drafting your opposite-editorial, ensure that you make strong assertions; and stick by them. Op-Eds serve to separate you and your opinions from those of your contemporaries, and also aid in establishing you as an expert on your topic. Make sure you provide distinct evidence that supports your argument or claim, as an opinion without corresponding facts will not connect with or sway your audience.

Controversy Sells

Pundits like Keith Olbermann and Anne Coulter have made millions by stirring the proverbial pot. Do not be afraid of backlash to your views; your aim with your Op-Ed is to generate a conversation, not necessarily convert the opposition. Contentious viewpoints provide for intelligent debate, either for or against, and your name will be connected with them. Do not shy away from controversy; make an intelligent argument, complete with support, that may ruffle some feathers.

Connect to a timely topic

Any number of newsworthy issues may provide a platform for you to apply your opinion. Just because you’re not an expert on the Middle East does not mean you do not have an informed take on the situation that is based in your political beliefs. You will rarely find an issue that directly correlates to your area of expertise. Seek out notable stories and provide your two-cents; you never know if your perspective will resonate with an editor who wants your opposite-editorial in their publication.

These three tips have helped our clients when writing an Op-Ed, and provide a steady guideline for drafting one with a high probability of being published. The next time you want to discuss politics, take it to paper and let your voice be heard.
-Carter Breazeale
PR/PR Public Relations